Monday 30 May 2016

81 - Karol Szymanowski's Król Roger (King Roger)

A real rarity but unfairly so as this a stunning opera with some sublime music. The sensual and ecclesiastical combine in the heady incense and heat of 12th century Palermo. A King is tempted by a shepherd but decides in the bright light of dawn a new path needs to be followed. Told in three short acts, each very distinct and different in tone, it has a very different sound from other operas. 

And it is the only full opera in Polish to be anywhere close to the standard repertoire. Thanks to Mariusz Kwiecien, the superstar Polish baritone, who has brought this masterpiece out of obscurity and into the biggest opera houses in the world sparking a mini revival of the work. Recent productions in Paris, London and Baden Baden have brought this opera to the fore as never before. 

Here is the 2015 Royal Opera Convent Garden production by Kaspar Holten reputed to be heading to Australia in the near future. 

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