Wednesday 1 June 2016

83 - Dimitri Shostakovich's Леди Макбет Мценского уезда (Lady Macbeth of Mtensk)

It is shocking opera of abuse and violence with some incredible music... Rape, murder, jealousy and suicide... Unfortunately it was Shostakovich's last work for the stage. After a stunning success in 1934 and much public acclaim, two years later the opera was denounced as "coarse, primitive and vulgar" in Pravda in an article attributed to Stalin himself. He had attended a performance two days before.

The work was banned in Russia and was not seen until Shostakovich edited the score for a revival in 1962. The rework was so different, the title was changed to "Katerina Izmailova". Today the original has become a regular part of the operatic repertoire.

Here is the Opera Australia revival of Francesca Zambello's production from 2009 starring the fabulous Susan Bullock!!

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